An Award-winning theater known for it’s premiere, character-driven productions,
none too fragile theatre is among Ohio’s acclaimed arts organizations and has helped
define N.E. Ohio’s cultural identity across the region.
Your Corporate Sponsorship of none too fragile connects your company with a
recognizable regional brand that has become known for top-quality theatre
entertainment. By teaming with none too fragile, corporate partners demonstrate a
commitment to civic leadership and gain access to the theatre’s unique opportunities for brand exposure, client entertainment and employee engagement.
Allow us to customize a package to fit the needs and priorities of your company.
“Angel’s Share” Season Sponsors ($25,000 and above)
Emphasize your organization’s commitment to Ohio’s Arts patrons and none too
fragile theatre’s annual audience by contributing significantly to the productions of
none too fragile. Receive a high level of corporate exposure and the opportunity to
play a key role with none too fragile as an Angel’s Share Season Sponsor. Enjoy
year-long branding recognition that aligns with none too fragile theatre’s
productions through season-long advertising, on our website & Social Media pages,
theatre signage, Playbill billing and more.
In addition, gain deeper access to none too fragile theatre’s unique behind-the-
scenes opportunities to entertain your clients or provide special events for your
employees. Enrich your corporate community with events and exposure to great
plays and artists and position your company as a cultural leader on both the local &
regional scale.
“Sugar Barrel” Production Sponsor ($5,000 and above)
Support N.E. Ohio’s vibrant arts and culture scene in a big way and gain exceptional
brand exposure on the selected play of your choice! As a Sugar Barrel Production
Sponsor, your company’s contribution gains you access to none too fragile theatre’s
artists, & behind-the-scenes experiences. Match your brand with an exciting, vibrant
new play at none too fragile & design custom entertaining events for a special night
at the theatre around the production. Sugar Barrel Production Sponsors gain
exposure to our theatre patrons, artists and an impressive advertising reach for the
Sea’s Night: A Special Needs performance for special needs patrons, their
families, friends & caregivers. Every production has a Sea’s Night performance
which is held on opening weekend’s Saturday @ 4pm. The performance is
“special” in that we seat a limited amount of patrons to provide extra room for movement needs, volume on pre & post show music is considerably lower, no black-outs, no strobe effects, no live gun fire, always an intermission, & patrons may vocalize, stand, move around, fidget, leave and return at will. If you have a “Special Need”, this is the performance for you!
Pay-As-You-Can: Committed to making the none too fragile experience
accessible to everyone, none too fragile theatre’s award-winning accessibility
programming offers tickets for patrons at a Pay-As-You-Can rate regardless of
age or economic situation for all productions and all performances, no questions asked!
Pay-It-Forward: Tickets made available specifically for high school & college
students who may not want to take advantage of our Pay-As-You-Can initiative
for whatever reason. Groups of Tickets are and will be available to local high
schools, universities & colleges through their department chairs, program
directors and teachers/professors for distribution. Give the gift of theatre!
For more information, contact Co-Artistic Director Alanna Romansky at productions@nonetoofragile.com